I love Gin with every inch of my being! They're the best... I'm so thankful to have them in my life and they've made me the happiest person on earth! We've been together since the 13th of July this year. We've known each other for ages beforehand, which is kinda funny, huh?
My favorite things about Gin:
- I think it'd be cheating if I said everything... Ummm...
- Their ridiculous sense of humor! Half of the time they're not even funny and just plain awful, but I still get a huge kick out of them. My personal favorite is "What would you even get at an adult store?" "Uh, an adult?"
- Their laugh makes me so happy! Especially when I do my share of making awful jokes; it's really warms my heart!
- How approachable they are! I always felt that I could talk to them about anything whatsoever, and they're always so cheerful and friendly. They're a very open person, and I really love that about them!
- How just generally being around them makes me feel! They never fail to put a smile on my face and make me laugh.
I'm going to meet them for Christmas this year; they're going to be staying with me for a month or two! I'm really, really excited to have Gin visit Australia! They've never been before, so I'm super happy to be the one to show them the ropes. I'll show them it's not
all heat. But... it's true there's a lot of it. I'm gonna get my ass kicked at Sonic games with them, so that's another thing to look forward too! ...Haha. One day, I hope to move back to America so I can live with them! What can I say, I like to dream big about what the future holds! Who doesn't? But all in all, I'm thrilled to finally meet Gin after all these years of knowing each other via the internet! It's a big world out there... and I'm just incredibly happy that I managed to meet such an amazing person like Gin!
Gah. At this point in time, that's all I can think of that I'm not embarrassed to have the whole webspace know... Did I say I love Gin? I love Gin! Thank you for reading this gigantic gay mess. I hope that you enjoyed it! And Gin, if you're reading this, I hope you're smiling brightly like always; I love you!
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